Informations about our installation

This weather station is located at : Rundhaug broadcasting on the Internet since 06 mai 2013

I maintain this web site on a voluntary basis and the site provides online weather data for my local area Weather informations are updated every 5 minutes, and are available 24/7

The data provided on the site is collected by using the following weather station.

Our Location


Country : Norge. Rundhaug Målselv i Troms.

Vår installasjon er lokalisert til Rundhaug et lite sted med ca 200 innbyggere 150km sør for Tromsø.


Longitude : E 18° 53' 36"
Latitude : N 69° 01' 13"


Country : Norge
State : Troms
City : Rundhaug


Weather station

Station type: WH-1080
Computer:Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6100 @ 2.00GHz
 Windows 8 x64 build 9200

Weather website

Online since:06 mai 2013

Weather template: Weather by You!

Weather engine: Cumulus v1.9.3 (1059(

Weather networks

This Weather Site is also broadcasted on following International weather networks

Personnal Weather Stations Weather Underground Weather Observations Website Citizen Weather Observer Program Automatic Packet Reporting System WeatherBug




Gjeldende varsel

Forecast: Fint vær

(Neste 12 timene)


Moon phase

Fase: Voksende halvmåne
Moon visible at: 86%